Art Eastman

Art Eastman

Born and raised in the Land Between the Lakes in Western Kentucky, Eastman brings an American sensibility to the wild world of modern art. Originally trained as a dancer, Eastman began sculpting the human form and gradually broke out of the boundary of anatomical purity. Since then, they pursued all variety of mediums in an attempt to break out of the confines of the art industry, which so heavily favors specialty and obscurity, in much the same way that they were originally reborn as an artist by overcoming the limitations of the human shape in their sculpture. Reflecting on his opportunity to chair Thousand Papercuts this year, they noted how important it was for artists to come together.

“Without a community of creators, we have no opportunity to ascend our art. In my role as chair this year, I am keen that everyone has an opportunity to show off their skills, and I will create an environment where our participants can be vulnerable and recognize their own limitations. We all want to be better artists, and we can do that by exposing the baggage we bring into our art, accepting guidance to move past them, and stepping into newly exposed frontiers with our community’s help.”

Eastman boasts a BFA from Carnegie Melon University and an MFA from University of Brighton in Hastings. He has curated numerous collections in America and Europe, and recently concluded What Lies Between is Made of the Ends, a retrospective exhibition of their own work.